Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Take time to allow someone else to smell the roses...

I must say... that yesterday... the act of one random gentlemen, made my day.

I was waiting in line; and you know how you often get impatient? Well... that was me... I began to feel myself getting irritated and a bit edgy... I found myself looking around and scooping out all the other lines... I began to assess... as we all do... and was getting ready to make my move... when... it hit me. I realized... that it really wouldn't matter... this line, that line... etc... each and everyone one of us... must wait our turn... before we are attended to.
Where does this impatience come from? My thoughts continued to proceed... and I began to realize... that I needed to to give everyone their chance. In the end... it was well worth the wait. The gentlemen in front of me... had two extra savings coupons which he proceeded to hand on to myself and the lady behind me.
I thanked him and wished his family a wonderful day. I also made mention to the woman behind me, that it was a wonderful thought and deed.

Not only did this gentlemen take the time, to do something nice; so too, did another...

An elder gentelmen's car had broken down... and a young boy... ran out of his car to help. He helped pushed the elder's car off to the side...
I felt compelled to Thank the the young boy...

My daughter was in the car at the time... and thought that I was crazy.

I am sure, that many other's may have believed so, as well. But, it is... these very random acts that are within The Power of: YOU that truly can and do make a difference.

We have become soo wrapped in our days... and with the concept of time. I am learning to realize... that we all need to just learn to s.l.o.w. down ... just a bit. To relax... and take our time... and not worry so much about the concept of time.
Yes, I understand, admitably; that time, is important. We all have appointments to keep... errands to run... kids to take here and there... work, etc... and the list goes on and on...
Very stressful indeed.

I had begun to think about this more, as the day continued on... the concept of time... and how we are so caught up with it... that we loose track and thought of anything but....

I also began to think about Dr. Randy Paush's message...

He was a pioneer... in thought. Indeed. Simple message.
I believe as well... that mine too... is simple.
To just take time. Take the time to find it within yourself to help another. One person a day... regardless if it is a quick smile and glance, a short conversation, or a greater deed.
You will be amazed at the difference that it will make in your tempermant for the day. The Power of: YOU is an aid. It can, and I firmly do believe, it can... help heal.
Even if it is just to help release someone's stressful day... or beyond...
take the few moments to simply make a change. To make a differnce.
Slow yourself down... for a few moments... in time.

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