WE are all "one of a kind"!
I was just sitting here, after finding a new website entitled: Im too Young For Cancer, thinking about choices that we have in life.
The one that happened to stand out the most was engraved in a coconut cup that I had bought while on vacation. It simply stated: Have Fun.
Many of us take life way too seriously. We don't take the time necessary to "de-compress" from the day and the events in our lives... and truly learn to live and enjoy life ~ for what it is. We are enwrapped and entangled in our daily pursuits and endeveaors. Today is never promised to anyone and tommorrow is always a blessing.
We are all unique in some peculiar sort of way. Use this, for your life's full-fillment of happiness, not merely; attainment.
I've been rousing through many websites today, trying to begin to place things in order in the dreeded case, that my cancer continues to grow and spread. Basically, I believe it is called: hospice care. I am trying to make my wished known verbally to my family and friends ~ in any event.
I as well, have a greater mission to accomplish... because, I believe that the power of: you should encompass all... I will continue to advocate my thoughts about end of life, rights. Our rights to choose... and make dreams come true.
What cancer patient honestly wants to die either in a hospital bed or enclosed in their home? ~ Shouldn't we have other choices availible to us? ~ Shouldn't we be able to decide where we would like to be ~ upon our death? Simply because we are aware that our time may be limited, we should take steps to allow our uniqueness to shine through.
I'm sure, that for many... I will inevitably, continue to hear about the "selfishness" aspect of this thought... but, I must say... given all that we as cancer patient's face and endure... it's not that I believe it's an entitlement, so much as a request... to die in peace ~ through happiness and fun.
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