Friday, July 4, 2008

When a stranger calls

"hi my name is carol and i have cll leukemia i have had it for 15 years how lucky am i i have a vey high white count and i just went out on disability i don.t like that, i have very large lymph nodes in my groins i saw you on tv and you inspired me very much, i do have a positive attitude i go to the dr every week for blood and i am doing ok i believe very much in my doctor i to saw the bucket list and it was an amazing movie, i guess i am writing to you just to say thanks for putting a smile on someones face carol"

I received this private e-mail today and became overwhelmed with emotion. I am truly beside myself lately. The support that I have been recieving by YOU ~ is very touching and inspirational.

I had never really thought or planned to be an inspiration to anyone. I was merely trying to stay positive with thought. Positive and Optimistic. Hopefull and faithful. I wanted to let other's know, that I can relate and understand. I know how very difficult it is to be "happy" in the midst of tradgedy and turmoil.

Life is very unpredicatable. We can not control our destinies or paths. Nor, should we. I have found, that by trying to take control we actually get lost. Lost in our endeavours. We are here, on earth, for each other. The phrase: "no man is an island"... has great significance.

My latest thought; "Aspire to Inspire" ~ was meant as a means, to help other's. Although, I had never truly thought... that I, could make a difference. I believed that WE could all... each and everyone of us... as a sum entity... make a difference. Make a change.

I see, that I am a greater part, now. If I am able to help someone out, who in turn, helps some else out... I have followed my belief's.

It is truly heartwarming and exceptional to know, that the Power of: YOU ~ is shinning through!

I commend my reader's. I commend YOU all. Your outreach is bringing in a very positive belief.

YOU are making a difference in the lives of others... complete strangers... unite. It is incredible. I will continue to have great belief in the Power of: YOU.

Now, go out there... and put a smile on someone else's face :)

1 comment:

Bolder said...

it's The Power of: YOU!

happy 4th!!