Wednesday, July 16, 2008


My recent thoughts have been turning away from Cancer. Naturally, any cancer patient will tell you, that at certain points, you will have peaks of thinking of nothing but Cancer ~ and at other points, think only of Cancer. It's a balance that is very difficult to coincide with your new life.
I have been giving much thought these days, to many, many different issues. As, I know, so too, are many of my readers. I have recieved numerous questions ~ about "what do I do now"? ~ that, ultimately ~ is the question -for which, many of us with terminal cancer can already answer . It is the unspoken. It is the thought - of Living our Last days - to the utmost fullest. Without worry - or thought of worry.
As many of you are well aware - The Power of:YOU ~ is sought from within. It is already there - lurking, deep from within. However; we inhibit ourselves from acting upon any, if, at all - deep desires, wants, needs, dreams, hopes, and wishes... until it is almost too late.
YOU ~ have already got the answer! and YOU ~ know ~ that you do not need permisssion to act upon your seemingly "whimsical impluses".
I have been reading Eckhart Tolle's book: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose
it's a shame, that many of us- do not understand until it is nearly too late - that our lives are driven by external forces .
Within the past year, I have either thrown away or sold many of my personal belongings. There has been much debate, in my mind, lately -whether or not to sell off much larger items ~ diamond jewelry, house, car, etc...
I believe, that I have come to an "unconcious" awareness, that I am and or, will not be ~ in relative need of these remedial "things". Upon reading and reflecting on Tolle's description of a dying cancer patient; I can truly say - I agree. I completely agree and feel as though we "honor things ... as a means to self-enhancement, that is to say, if we try to find ourselves through them."
We become attached and obssessed to remedial objects. We believe that "things" make up our essence. Our "being".
The belief and Power of:YOU ~ lyes directly within. YOU, and only you ~ and/or your ego- can come to grasp and or re-claim yourself.
Find the beauty in the simplier things and joys of life. Set all inatimate objects aside.
"In the last few weeks of her life as her body became weaker, she became more and more radiant, as if light were shinning through her. She gave many of her possessions away...and with each thing she gave away, her joy deepened."


Bolder said...

well said.

Anonymous said...

Very nice post...well said!