Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Update on my sister

Becky is still at Aultman Hospital in Canton and is having a new, larger stent put in today. We are hoping this will relieve some of the pain she is having. She also had an infection due to backed up urine which was causing some pain. NIH has said they can not move forward with treatment until the kidney problem is managed. We hope this new stent corrects the urine flow and helps with some of the pain so she can get to NIH and have treatment. The goal is to do a cell replacement therapy where the tumor in the pelvis causing some of the pain and the problems with the kidney to shrink and ultimately be gone. I will keep you up to data - as best I can (Becky's Sister)


Anonymous said...

Please show her my blog...I know she will love it...and I cant post pics here...
Tell her that I have had several kidney stones and I know what kind of pain she is going through...everything that has anything to do with cancer, tearing off fingers, punching nails through feet...the list goes on!
NOTHING compares to that kind of pain...I have been told not even childbirth(though Becky might dispute that!)
Hold her hand and tell her Tammy and I are sending everything we possibly can her way...

Unknown said...

thanks for updating us

like Johnny says, make sure she knows she is in our constant thoughts!