I just briefly heard from the NIH, I am to fly to Bethesda tommorrow. Yes ~ tommorrow. Wednsday October 8 to be admitted to the NIH on 3NW. My surgery is scheduled for Friday October 10 and my return date is Sunday October 12.
A whirlwind ~ indeed; but, it is without a doubt necessary. There is no time to spare.
They are going to remove the "surface" tumor that is in my groin ~ to see if these "fresh" cells will work ~ to grow for the TIL. As for the 9 x 4 cm tumor in my pelvis (which, my "fellow" at the NIH has informed me... they do not believe...has/is grown that much) I will be having more scans done ~ for their confirmation. Other than that...
this is where it all stands...
basically, in a nut shell...
they will take the tumor from the groin ~ use the cells to try and grow for the TIL ~ if they grow... it will be about 3 weeks or so before treatment can start ~ regardless if they grow or not... they are going to discuss with me... pallatative care.
Pallatative Care. To help alleviate the pain associated with the tumor. Tumor growth and any/all other problems related to the tumor.
I can only hope and pray that this tumor either stops growing or stabalizes... I can also only hope that my cells will do their job... and grow for the TIL... and I can also only hope that the TIL will work, if administered.
I'm not sure, what else is left... but, I will leave that in the hands of God.
If you do not once again hear from me... it is because I am busy at the hospital... taking tests, scans, bloodwork, etc... or in surgery or re-cooping from yet, another surgery.
As always, messages are more than welcome. My mother will be with me and staying at the lodge (which is in the photo above) ~ she will have her cell phone: 330-206-7662 I will as well have mine ~ feel free to leave a message if I don't answer. Please forgive me if I don't get back to you promptly.
Julie ~ I hope to finally meet up with you! And, anyone else, who may be at the NIH during these dates!!! Come look for me on 3NW, just ask for Rebecca Luker :)
Bless you All.
I send my Love,
Hi Becky,
I'll keep everything crossed that the cells will work for TIL. You are as ever in my thoughts, Carver
i'm glad you are getting the care you need...
my thoughts, as always, are with you
Safe trip, successful surgery and comforting wishes headed your way!
Hello Becky...
Best of luck to you... Hope all goes well...
You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Hey Becky,
Hang in there sweet heart I know you will beat this!!
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