My daughter just came home from school and gave this to me to read:
~Till death~
By: Jennifer Sick
She closed her eyes and had a dream
God was there with a bright glowing beam
he said to her "your time has come and gone"
be not afraid
your soul is not lost
for you are in heaven
she looked around
and what did she see
loved ones thats where once lost
well how can that be?
what God has said
must be true
Theres no pain, no fear
not even a tear
She looked down and what did she see?
her family and friends crying sadly
She turned to God and said,
"why are they crying
so sad and so dim"
Its cause they lost a loved one
so pure and so beautiful
they lost their daughter and even their mother...
She tryed to cry out
and tell them shes ok
but they did not hear
so she fell to her knees
and began to pray
"Oh God please protect them"
"let my daughter know that I will always be there"
"i will guide her"
"lover her and always protect her"
God did just as she asked,
and the family moved on
but still thing of her
again and again...
This is dedicated to my mother...
I love you...
Hi Becky,
What a beautiful poem. Your daughter must get her writing gift from you! I hope you are recouperating well. Take care!
Amy W
I don't know if you've ever run into this poem, but it has a profound statement. I hope you find some meaning in it.
This body is not me.
I am not limited by this body.
I am life without boundaries.
I have never been born,
and I have never died.
Look at the ocean and the sky filled with stars, manifestations from my wondrous true mind.
Since before time, I have been free.
Birth and death are only doors through which we pass, sacred thresholds on our journey.
Birth and death are a game of hide- and seek.
So laugh with me,
hold my hand,
let us say good-bye,
say good-bye, to meet again soon.
We meet today.
We will meet again tomorrow.
We will meet at the source every moment.
We meet each other in all forms of life.
by: Thich Nhat Hanh
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