Sunday, December 21, 2008

4 more days...

it's hard to believe how fast time passes us by. I hope that everyone takes a few moments to reflect with great passion this year ~ on the love and warmth that they give, have, and radiate to all ; it means more than anything monetary. Take a few moments to just say "thanks" ~

I've thanked the Universerse for all that has been shown and given to me.

Enjoy the Holidays and Festivities!!! :)

quick update: I am still neuatrapenic ~ and continue to wait and anticipate the growth of my cell counts.
Today I am being given 2 more units of blood transfusion. That will make a total of 6 blood transfussions and 3 white cell transfussions....
hopefully, my body will soon start to produce its own in mass!! Keep up the good thoughts, vibes, and prayers.

Love, Becky

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