I'm working on my new awakening... awakening in life... with life... (my new sense of self)
I'm learning and living. What more can anyone ask of themselves?
There is no particular answer book for any of us... for any of our dilemna's and problems. We can only live in the here and now... and try to do the best with ourselves and relations with other's.
At times, it becomes neceassary to evalute certain events and situations; and see themn for what they truly are. Not an easy task; especially when one is "emotionally" involved and charged.
Without a doubt, my continued belief in The Power of: YOU ~ holds steadfast. I do believe that you ultimatley can affect the life of another. Moreso, I believe for the good, rather than the bad.
I don't believe that anyone intentionally sets out to hurt another ~ but, it truly does happen. We wouldn't be human without the power of emotion and feelings. We would in essence... be a rock. A solid mass form...
We are intricate beings... complex and simple.
We can change the outcome of someone's day... with very little more or less than a few words or gestures.
Unselfishness is an act of gratitude. It is unthought or planned. It just is... it is, what it is... a random act of kindness out of the heart of a true, caring person.
Selfishness is an act that is, in essence, pre-meditated. An awareness of oneself... as superior to another. Selphishness, is the opposite of unselfishness... which does not reflect in The Power of: YOU ~ to make change. Not only within and of yourself, but with other's as well.
Unfortunately, as humans, we take many emotions to heart. And, perhaps, we allow those emotions to carry into effect ~ in our relationships with others. Its ego's defense.
A new awakening can only happen when we see ourselves, "our ego's" for what they truly are.
Yes, I have been reading Eckhart Tole's "Awakening to Your Life's Purpose"...
A very profound and intense read. Not to be taken lightly. To be ingested slowly... and with ease.
Naturally, it's hard to take a look at oneself from the outside in, or vice versa.
What do YOU stand for? What do YOU believe?
~this is just a bit of my rambling mind, this eve... (yes, some personal issues play a role ~ hey, I'm only human...)
*so, on another thought and note: (in relation to disease control) "According to the Journal of American Medical Association, medical treatment is the third-leading cause fo death after heart disease and cancer in the United States...
~Wow~ think about that...
Eckart Toole states that "Homeopathy and Chines medicine are two examples of possible alternative approaches to disease that do not treat the illness as an enemy and therefore do not create new diseases"... "The war against disease has given us, amongst other things, antibiotices... [and], that the widespread and indsicriminate use of antibiotics has created a time bomb and that antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, will in all likelihood bring about a reemergences of those diseases and possibly epidemics."
he continues to state that "war is a mind-set...[which ultimately] will either strenghten the enemy, the perceived evil, or if the war is won, will create a new enemy..."
~yes... the thought of chemo treatments continue to haunt me. I do not see good in completely taking out and whipping the bodies naturall immune system, only to feed it cells to try and help boost the immune system and destroy cancer cells; let alone, destroy good cells in the process...
the more I read... the more information that is out there... I questioned the position of my upcoming treatments.
I've got to believe that our body has a more "natural" way-approach to fight off the illness. One, which will not strenghten or destroy the enemy...thus, creating a new one.
That's my late night mindless retoric for this evening...
There's always some nonsense going on in that brain of mine!!! LOL...
Continue to keep The Power of: YOU alive and well.
PS... Greg, I sincerely look forward to sharing those three cups of tea.
Sending my Love to All
Hey baby, there was a story up here in Michigan about a hospital in Grand Rapids (only an hour away from me) that was having success with blocking an enzyme that starved the cancer cells. We should look it up and see if it's something you can get involved in. Then I could visit you and you could stop here :)
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