Monday, November 3, 2008

Going Beyond

Going Beyond ~ Maya Image

Inherent in the nature of humans is the desire to improve and better ourselves. This process of going beyond our current limitations is often referred to as “self transcendence.” Self Transcendence can apply to any aspect of our being; the physical self transcendence of running faster; the mental self transcendence of going beyond our purely egoistic thinking.

However at the heart of self transcendence is a spiritual concept that we are growing into a more illumining nature and gaining a wider perspective of our true self.

Self transcendence is not competing with others. Self transcendence is a personal journey of self discovery. To practise self transcendence we need personal effort, willingness to change. However self transcendence needs to involve an awareness that our success doesn’t just involve our “little I”, but also the universal self (or bigger “I”).

Spiritual seekers have experienced self transcendence as the grace that allows them to be aware of the infinite consciousness of inner delight. In this spiritual self transcendence the different religions and spiritual practises converge on the common teaching of going beyond the limitations of the ego and being aware of our higher Source. This Higher Self is called by many different names, but ultimately is beyond any metaphysical concept.

The practise of Self transcendence is not limited to those who are overtly religious. Any human being who strives for greater perfection and a higher perspective is practising a form of self transcendence, and it is this self transcendence that gives us joy.

I recently sent a message to a friend while I was in the hospital stating my belief and need for the mental transcendence and attainment of the concept of "going beyond". Naturally, the response was: "what? what?" So, you see, how could I explain this phenomenom that I was experiencing late one evening, in which I was trying to save and share. I have strong convictions and beliefs that we are capable in far greater things empowered by the Power of: YOU. (Thank You Amy, for re-enlighting me!)
I couldn't have stated it any better than this post. Our egotic states of mind often take over and proceed. However, I can attest that there is great joy in the transcendence. It's a matter of self will.
I am often at a lose for words and articulation when random jumbled thoughts enter my mind. I often was afraid of ridicule or misunderstanding ~ but, no longer. This journal ~ the bloggings of my infinite mind, body, and soul... are but a simple reflection of me.
I can only hope that you can find it within yourself to go beyond all boundaries... to find your true self... the one that is encapsled within the egotic state of being. It takes alot of introspection... to see your outward self... for the role it is and plays... and to openly see the true self from within. YOU will be amazed.

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