Friday, June 27, 2008

The greater impression

I have never, honestly thought of myself; as an "inspiration" of sorts. I have always found greater inspiration in the power of others. I have found great comfort and admiration within each unique individual. My greatest pleasure's have come from helping other's~
whether it be a friendly smile, a helpin hand, a poetic verse, or a gift of Love.
I've derived my happiness around and from the belief and beauty in each and every one of us. We all have something to offer one another. We all have unique talents, abilities, and attributes; qualities worthly of reflection. It is meaningful to search your soul ~ for purpose.
Believe, unconditionaly, in yourself; and all you can do. Make a difference in someone else's Life~ and, in return ~you will be rewarded~by Self Gratification. There is no better feeling-than the one-YOU have the Power to posses and control.
Life, is your Canvas to paint. You have the option to choose the colors ~ and allow them to flow. Once finished - it will always be there - to view. Your masterpiece of sorts; the canvas - is extensive: it spreads your whole life through. There ultimately will be colours and hues of black, grey, and blue.
The spectrum of Life is complicated; yet, is complimented by color. Awaken your senses - to a brighter Life~of Colourful Splendor. Find the Power of: YOU ~ from deep within.
Live your Life with Peaceful, happy Serenity.
Aspire to Inspire.
Remember, your canvas is part of a greater picture~ where all Painters paint.


Carver said...

Beautiful Post and photograph. Sending good thoughts your way for your upcoming trip to NCI (ref your MPIP post). As ever, Carver

Summerbead said...
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